Few things in this world are as important as the planet itself. And at AEB we’re proud to do our part. This past year, with the help of our customers, AEB planted 379 trees through the organization OneTreePlanted. We’re proud of our commitment to sustainability and look forward to continuing efforts like this in the years ahead.
About OneTreePlanted
OneTreePlanted is a non-profit organization focused on global reforestation. Their global projects help to restore forests after fires and floods, create jobs, build communities, and protect habitat for wildlife.
Since 2014 they have planted over 92.7 million trees in more than 80 countries across the globe. And in 2022, they more than doubled the impact from 2021 – with 52.7 million trees!
How to Help
Please consider donating to this worthy cause. We hope that you will join us in the coming year to make an even bigger impact.
Go here to make a donation to keep our planet green, sustainable, and healthy!